Beliefs and Addictions

Addictions and beliefs go hand in hand, and in fact, it is ultimately your beliefs that back up and cement your addictions!

Therefore, the cure for addictions can never be solely medicinal because there is no medication that can subdue or eliminate beliefs, and addicts require psychological counselling to get rid of these corroding beliefs that promote addictions.

Logic and reasoning plays a great role in eliminating and discouraging negative beliefs and altering them into positive behaviours and beliefs.

Beliefs, like all other human psychological traits, are also subjected to manipulation and alteration, and the use of Neuro Linguistic Programming can work wonders on taking out addicts from an addictive loop by altering and changing their belief systems entirely!

In this article, we will take a look at how beliefs tend to encourage our addictions.

Psychologists believe that all addictions begin as a response to uncontrollable and overpowering emotions, for instance, stress, pain, fear and loneliness among others. Addicts use drugs and addictive substances to relieve themselves of these overwhelming emotions, for instance, Heroin tends to numb the pain and relax the body, cannabis and weed tend to make one happy etc.

Therefore, addictions are encouraged by the belief that the addictive substance will help fight pain, stress, and anxiety or simply, make someone happy, love or cherished. The primary aim of the addict is to fit in, and manage all that is overwhelming, frightening or difficult to confront in the state of sobriety.

Trauma, emotional neglect, or even too much solitude lead to a distortion of emotions and beliefs, and this encourages one to put aside logic and reasoning, and solely rely on denial, detachment and impulsiveness to guide one’s course and develop one’s beliefs.

When the pattern of soothing chaotic emotions, restlessness, fear and pain with the help of addictions begins to register itself on the brain and its activities, these addictions begin to cement themselves in the belief systems, and one begins to rely on them more than one realises.

It is no shock that addictions are cemented and encouraged due to solitude and isolations, and the beliefs that only addictions are reliable and dependable are backed up even more.

Since our addictions are well-intricate with our belief systems and thinking patterns, the cure for addictions must make considerations and strategies to alter these beliefs and patterns.

In order to break free of the addictive loop encouraged by one’s beliefs, the only way is to eliminate them by resolving all the effects and underlying issues or traumas that are encouraging these beliefs. This is precisely where the NLP comes into play, and helps people with addictions in altering their negative beliefs and lead healthy lives.

How does NLP work on changing beliefs to cure addictions?


Well, NLP aims for two things:

  1. Rationality and logic can cause beliefs to be manipulated, altered and changed.
  2. Truth is always someone’s interpretation of the truth and it can be proven wrong

Regardless of how addictions are cemented and retained in the mind permanently, whether it is a physical dependency or fuels the emotions, the essence is always in the belief systems.

And NLP starts right from the core, and attempts to alter these belief systems and replacing them with healthier and more positive ones that are fuelled with reason and logic rather than emotional appeals. If you or someone you love are ready to work on your beliefs and addiction, please contact our helpful intake coordinators at Right Path Drug Rehab today.


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