Family Support Services and Recovery

Are You Seeking Treatment and Recovery for Your Addictions?

Right Path Drug Rehab facilities can help you find the right treatment and recovery program. Our case managers will work with you to personally customize your program. We understand that addiction is a severe disease that affects the mind, body, and soul. After a prolonged period of time, substance abuse can be damaging; however, not everyone is impacted the same way. It is important to us that your recovery program is individualized and flexible.


Individual Treatment and Recovery

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) along with Right Path Drug Rehab facilities believe that treatment and recovery is built on the needs, strengths, talents, and coping abilities of clients. Since each person is different, it requires that we look at different possible paths of recovery that include:

  • clinical treatment
  • non-addictive medications
  • 12 step programs (faith based)
  • 12 step programs (non-faith based)
  • peer support
  • family support
  • self care


Right Path Drug Rehab wants to make sure that you have a well rounded recovery. Therefore we apply the dual diagnosis process which involves our experience staff to work together to ensure proper care. You will begin your treatment with a professional who will administer a clinically managed detox. This detox technique allows for you to ease away from your dependencies on drugs and alcohol and avoid experiencing any painful withdrawals.

When you have successfully completed the detox, you will finish the remainder of your treatment and recovery at Right Path Drug Rehab Centers’ luxury housing. At the housing facility, you will be required to work with a professional staff member who will help you find positive coping mechanisms for dealing with triggers and temptations. These positive practices include yoga, art, hiking, kayaking, and much more.

Family Supportand Recovery
Family recovery programs can be the same as individual; however, are obviously more extensive and require more than just the client. Family support is highly recommended for clients suffering from substance abuse. Sometimes it is not only the client that struggles, but families do as well. Families can experience

  • increased stress
  • guilt
  • shame
  • anger
  • fear
  • loss
  • grief
  • isolation


It is important that all voices are heard within treatment and recovery to ensure a positive environment, for not only the clients but also for the family. However, family support must be moderated by a professional. Some family members are blinded by love and let the actions of their addicted loved ones go on. Others think that “tough love” is the best form of communication. This is why family counseling is just as important as one on one therapy sessions. By having clients and families working together as a support system, it creates proper communication skills, as well as successful recovery for clients struggling with substance abuse.


Get Help Today

If you call us today, a compassionate case manager will answer any further questions or concerns that you or your family may have. Right Path Drug Rehab wants to help you address your struggles with addiction. We know it’s not only you who suffers, but your family too. Contact us today, so we can help you and your family find ways to support each other in this time of need.   

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